VSO Elections
When: April 7th
Starts: 10 AM
Location: Reitz Auditorium
Eligibility to run and vote in elections are as follows:
Attended at least 2 General Body Meetings (GBMs)
Attended at least 1 cultural shows
Attended at least 1 other VSO related event
If you do not meet these requirements but would still like to run or vote, you may petition your eligibility to vsopresident@gmail.com.
View the constitution to see a description of each officer role and responsibilities. Election protocols are also linked below.
Amendments to the constitution can be proposed in the same form as the nominations form. Amendment proposals are due April 1st.
Master Attendance
Linked is the master attendance, check the sheet to determine your election eligibility based on the stated requirements above. The active member sheet highlights members who have obtained election eligibility status. Breakdown of attendance is marked in the other sheets. Any questions regarding the master attendance can be directed to vsosecreary@gmail.com